There are many reasons that people go missing, but here are the most common reasons:

Deliberate Disappearances: Adults experiencing difficulties with significant people in their lives, financial issues, family break-down or other problems that may be overwhelming. Adults who decide to start a new life elsewhere.

Dementia: Adults suffering from illnesses that cause dementia, like Alzheimer’s Disease.

Foul Play: These are disappearances that are the result of kidnapping, homicide, domestic violence, human trafficking or other criminal events. It is important to note that only a small portion of missing person cases are due to foul play.

Misadventure: These adults include those who disappear while engaging in activities such as boating, adventure hiking, diving or other activities and experience a catastrophic event.

Parental Abduction: Missing children who have been abducted by one parent contrary to court-mandated custody arrangements.

Possible Suicide: Some adults disappear with the intention of committing suicide.

Unknown: No clear reason and it usually only explained when the person is located.