On November 27, 2010, Angela Meyer stepped outside her parents’ home in Yellowknife to smoke a cigarette. She has not been seen since.
Meyer was home on a weekend pass from Stanton Territorial Hospital where she was being treated in-patient for schizophrenia. She was under the legal guardianship of her mother, and taking several medications for her condition. She took none of the medications with her when she went missing.
Meyer’s medications had made her gain weight and she was unhappy about it. She had also developed diabetes.
Meyer’s case was initially treated as a runaway because she had a history of disappearing, but her family does not think she was running away this time. She had been named an athlete for the Yellowknife Special Olympics the year before she disappeared. Her family also says she was only days away from receiving mental health care.
Disappearance Category: Unknown
Disappeared From: Talurjuaq Inuk community, Northwest Territories
Age: 22
Height: 5’10
Weight: 231 lbs.
Race: Inuk
Hair: Brown, short, straight
Eyes: Brown
Clothing: Black, synthetic rayon yoga pants, black cotton t-shirt, red nylon hip-length jacket, white feathers “Helly Hansen” brand coat, low grey boots
Accessories: Copper glasses
Investigating Agency
Yellowknife RCMP: 867-669-5200
Reference Case#: 20101466734
Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) or online at https://www.tipsubmit.com/webtipsstart.aspx
Crime Stoppers provides anonymous tipping
Send email to the National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains at:
Case reference: 2014005526