On Aug. 16, 1972, Ingrid Bauer left her home at 9:30 p.m. in Kleinburg (formerly Vaughn) to hitchhike to the home of her boyfriend, Larry Teeple, also 14, in Woodbridge. The distance was only six km. She did not leave with any money or belongings. Before she left, she told her father she would be home by 10:30 p.m.
Her brother saw her on southbound Islington Avenue. Another witness, Terry Bell, saw Ingrid walking south on the west side of Islington Ave. near Pennon Road at about 9:45 p.m.
When Ingrid’s boyfriend called her home and let her family know she never showed up, a frantic hunt began involving 200 volunteers who searched 20-square miles around the Bauer home. Police officers reportedly waded eight km. into the Humber River and scuba divers searched 40 feet down into an old gravel pit. She was never found.
Several Kleinburg residents reported hearing the cries of a young person near Islington Avenue and Sevilla Drive around 10 p.m. that night. Residents also told police that they had seen a pickup truck in that area, but a search of the location turned up nothing.
There were five original suspects who were all cleared through confirmed alibis.
Disappearance Category: Foul Play
Date Of Birth: February 17, 1958
Age: 14 years old
Height: 5’6″
Weight: 100 lbs.
Race: White
Hair: Long, dark blonde, straight
Eyes: Brown
Clothing: Brown pants, off-white sweater with red apples on it.
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