After Christmas shopping together on Dec. 21, Cheryl told Kristina — who was sleeping at a friend’s house that night — that she’d meet her in a nearby park at around 11 p.m. with a bag of fresh clothes for the following day. Kristina says she spoke to Cheryl, who was running late, but told her she’d be leaving the Browndale Crescent address where Mitchell currently lives, when her ride arrived.
Family report Cheryl leaving with a bag in hand at around midnight, after a car picked her up. Before meeting Kristina, Cheryl planned to drop by the home of an ex-boyfriend, at 34 Rathfon Cres. She arrived at the home, but Cheryl, 46, never turned up to meet Kristina. On Christmas morning, when Cheryl once again didn’t show — the gifts she bought, wrapped and stored at the family’s Browndale home — Kristina called York police and filed a missing persons report.
Disappearance Category: Foul Play
Disappearance Location: Richmond Hill, ON
Missing Date: December 22, 2011
Age: 43 years old
Height: 5′
Weight: 125 lbs.
Race: White
Hair: Short, dark hair
Eyes: Brown
Tattoos: Back – tattoo of two wings with the names “Shane” and “Christina” on her upper back
Case #: 2011-377396
1-866-876-5423 ext. 7865
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National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains
Case# 2012000299
Cheryl Rowe’s Family Facebook Page
Cheryl Rowe’s brother still struggles with her disappearance, YorkRegion.com, Jan 24, 2014
Police raise reward for info about missing Richmond Hill woman, Feb. 25, 2013
Missing woman’s daughter struggles with questions, The Toronto Star, Dec. 27, 2012
Homicide unit takes over missing Richmond Hill woman’s case, February 2, 2012