Brittany Stalman, 17, left her family home in Delta, British Columbia on November 13, 2006 go for a walk after having an argument with her boyfriend on the phone.
She left the house at 1 p.m. and was seen on Westview Drive and 64th Ave, near Westview Park
She was never seen again.
Stalman was a high school senior. She often had fights were her boyfriend. She also suffered from depression for which she took medication. She went on walks when she was feeling upset.
Police conducted an thorough search of the area she was last seen, including the trails in the wetland of Burns Bog. Their search, however, was inhibited by an early winter storm that kept the Victoria Search and Rescue dog teams from searing the area until a month after Stalman went missing.
Although she was depressed, police and Stalman’s parents do not believe she committed suicide; especially since her body was never found. She is believed to be dead. The Stalman’s believe their daughter was a victim of foul play.
In 2008, An unknown man hinted to Protect Our Children volunteers that he might know something about Stalman’s disappearance but he left without saying anything more.
Disappearance Category: Foul Play
Disappeared From: Delta, British Columbia
Missing Date: November 13, 2006
Age: 17
Race: White
Height: 5’6
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: Brown
Teeth: Permanent retainer on lower teeth
Clothing: Black hoodie, grey sweatpants and Puma running shoes
Accessories: Pink Discman
Case Map
Investigating Agency
Delta Police Department: 604-946-4411
Reference Case#: 2006-26668
Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) or online at https://www.tipsubmit.com/webtipsstart.aspx
Crime Stoppers provides anonymous tipping
Send email to the National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains at:
Case reference: 2011762660