Disappearance Category: Unknown
Disappeared From: Hamilton, Ontario
Date of Disappearance: August 30, 1999
Age: 26
Height: 5’6
Weight: 100 lbs.
Race: White
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nicknames/Alias: Frankie, Alex
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Beauty mark on the left side of her throat
Clothing: Likes to wear baggy clothes
Dana Zelic disappeared from her residence on August 30, 1999. She lived with her mother, who last saw Dana sleeping in her bedroom at 2:30 a.m. When her mother awoke later that morning, Dana was gone. She left without any medication, identification, or personal belongings. Her mother assumed Dana just stepped out and would return, but when she didn’t return, her mother reported her missing.
There have been some leads about Ms. Zelic’s whereabouts over the years. Her mother saw Dana’s picture in a September 17, 1999 Hamilton Spectator newspaper photo, walking in a Take Back the Night march. She also was heard from in August 2000, when she called a male friend in Hamilton, who had no idea she was missing. Dana told her friend she was living in Mississauga. In 2002, one of Dana’s friends called police and said she had seen the young woman at Chapters, a bookstore in Hamilton. All leads have failed to locate Ms. Zelic. Her current whereabouts are unknown, although she has connections to the Greater Toronto and Brooklyn, NY areas.
Ms. Zelic was born and raised in Hamilton, and graduated from Delta Secondary School.
Hamilton Police Department
D/Sgt. Victims of Crime Unit
Agency Case Number: 99-6261090