Russell Williams Murders
Colonial Russell Williams sexually assaulted and murdered Corporal Marie France Comeau and Jessica Lloyd after after an escalation of sex crimes in the Belleville area near the Trenton Military Base where he served in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Williams admitted that he met Comeau on a military flight and, as her commander, was later able to access her personal information.
Williams first broke into Comeau’s home in Brighton, Ontario, while she was away on a trip. After parking his car in a wooded area 600-700 metres from Comeau’s residence, Williams broke into her home through a basement window.
Williams spent over an hour in Comeau’s home that night, taking photos of himself wearing her undergarments and putting a sex toy in them. He was also able to establish that she lived alone.
Comeau noticed that someone had been through her undergarments when she returned home and blamed her ex-boyfriend.
Williams broke in again between 10:30 and 11 p.m. on November , 2009.
Outside her house, Williams could hear Comeau talking on the phone in her bedroom. He entered through the basement window and hid behind the furnace for 30-40 minutes, waiting for her to go to sleep.
Before retiring, Comeau went to look for one of her cats, which had gone down into the basement and was sitting, staring at Williams.
It was then that Comeau notices Williams, although he had his face covered. Williams hit her several times with a flashlight. Williams and Comeau struggled in the basement, where blood drops were found later. Eventually, Comeau fell backwards and Williams was able to subdue her. Williams then tied Comeau with clothing to a post and snapped photographs of her bound with only a shawl covering her body.
After securing the house, Williams took more pictures of Comeau naked and unconscious on the staircase, then took her to her bedroom where he raped her for the next two hours while taking more photos and video-taping his assault.
Comeau begged Williams to “undo her hands because it’s tight and she won’t go anywhere.” Later, Williams went to look our the front window and Comeau ran to her en suite bathroom, but Williams caught her and hit her repeatedly.
On the video-taped evidence, Comeau can be heard repeating “I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t deserve to die.”
It was then that Williams attempted to suffocate Comeau with a pillow, but she was able to fight him off and try to run. He caught her again. She already had duct tape over her eyes and mouth, now Williams placed duct tape over her nose as well, ultimately suffocating her to death.
After her death, Williams washed the bedding in bleach, taking pictures of himself cleaning. He placed Comeau’s body on her bed and pulled the duvet over her. Then, stealing several pair of her undergarments, he left through her patio doors.
Comeau’s death was determined to be a 3:30 a.m., and later pictures found on Williams’ computer documented her death and 30 minutes after her death.
After her murder, Williams drove to Ottawa where he was expected to attend a meeting later in the day. As he drove, he threw out his shoes and the rope he had used in Comeau’s attack.
When Comeau did not show up for a dinner date with her boyfriend, he went to her house and discovered her body on the bed.
Williams later admitted that his motive for killing Comeau was because he worried about becoming a suspect if she went to police about her assault.
Corporal Marie France Comeau
Age: 38
Race: White
Vulnerabilities: None
About the Murder
Murderer: Russell Williams
Location of Murder: Brighton, ON
Date of Murder: November 25, 2009
Cause of Death: Suffocation
Murderer Category: Serial Killer
Murderer Sub-Category: Hedonistic, Sex Crime
Characteristics: Break & Enter, Rape, Photographs & Video-Tape
Total Victims: 2

Russell Williams