Arianna Goberdhan, 26, was nine-months pregnant with her first child when she was found dead in her estranged husband’s parents home in Pickering on April 7, 2017.
Goberdhan and Baig had dated for six years and married in November 2016 after Goberdhan fell pregnant with their child.
Between 2014-2016, Baig was charged with domestic assault several times, but the charges were always withdrawn.
Sometime between Nov. 2016 and March 2017, Baig sent hostile and vulgar texts to Goberdam, who took screen shots and sent them to her father.
These are a few of the text messages sent by Baig: “I really don’t want to be married to you,” “I want nothing to do with you or this baby anymore,” “I hope to god you stop breathing while you drive,” and “I hope you die delivering.”
Goderdham had moved back into her parent’s home in the last month of her pregnancy and separated from Baig.
A week before Goberdhan’s murder, Baig broke a door at the Goberdham’s home when he was denied entry.
On April 7, 2017, Goberdhan said she was going to pick Baig up at work in her parent’s car and drive him to his parent’s home.
Around 9:40 p.m. that night, Goberdhan called 911. The operator could hear a voice in the background saying “You have to let me go. You can’t keep me here. I have to go home.” The call ended.
The operator immediately called back and Goberdhan answered. The operator told her that it sounded like she was having a domestic fight with her boyfriend. Goberdhan replied that she was and needed police assistance right away.
Police found Goberdhan lying on a bloody towel, naked from the waist down. She had been stabbed 17 times in the head, face, neck, and body. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Security cameras captured Baig driving Goberdhan’s car away from the residence around 9:44 p.m.
Goberdhan was just 20 days from her delivery date of a baby girl who she had named Assara.
Baig, 25, was arrested April 8, 2017 and charged with first-degree murder, but pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. He was sentenced to life without possible parole for 17 years.
Goberdhan’s family has been fighting to criminalize the death of an unborn child during an act of violence against the mother.

Arianna Goberdhan
Age: 26
Race: Caribbean
Place of Murder: Pickering Ontario
Date of Murder: April 7, 2017
Murderer: Nicholas Baig, her estranged husband
Murder Category: Domestic Violence
Murderer Sub-Category: N/A
Characteristics: Murder-Suicide
Total Victims: 1
Cause of Death: Stabbed