On May 5, 2013, Dellen Millard and Mark Smich met up with a man selling his truck in Toronto. The seller later said he found the two suspicious.
On May 6, 2013, Millard and Smich made an appointment to meet with Tim Bosma at his home in Ancaster, Ontario, to test drive his Dodge Ram pickup truck he had listed for sale on Kijiji. It is after 9:30 p.m. and Bosma mentions that it is late for a test drive.
“When they come, should I go with them?” Bosma asked his wife, Sharlene.
“Yes you should, because we want the truck to come back.”
Tim Bosma accompanied Millard and Smich for a test ride in his truck, and he was never seen alive again.
Bosma was declared officially missing by Hamilton Police Service on May 7, 2013. Two days later, Tim’s wife, Sharlene, appeals to the kidnappers to return her husband during a press conference.
“It was just a truck, a stupid truck,” Sharlene said. “You do not need him but I do. Our daughter needs her daddy.”
On May 10, 2013, Bosma’s phone is located by police in Brantford.
Dellen Millard was arrested on May 11, 2013, and charged with forcible confinement and theft over $5,000 in relation to Bosma’s disappearance. The next day, police find Bosma’s truck at Millard’s mother’s home in Kleinburg. The truck was stripped and blood and gunshot residue were found in the interior.
Tim Bosma is officially declared deceased when police find his burned remains inside an animal incinerator on Millard’s farm. Millard’s charges are upgraded to first-degree murder.
On May 22, 2013, Mark Smich was arrested and charged with first-degree murder in Bosma’s death.
Millard and Smich are tried together for the murder of Tim Bosma, and Smich’s ex-girlfriend, Marlena Meneses, testified that Millard admitted to shooting and killing Bosma. Smich also testified that it was Bosma who killed Bosam and then disposed of his body in an animal incinerator on Millard’s farm.
Both Millard and Smich were found guilty of first-degree murder and received a life sentence with no possibility of parole for 25 years. They were later found guilty in the murder of Laura Babcock, for which the received another life sentence with no possibility of parole for 25 years to be served consecutively. Millard was also found guilty in the first-degree murder of his father, Wayne Millard, and received another life sentence. He is ineligible for parole for 75 years.
Name: Tim Bosma
Age: 32
Place of Murder: Ancaster, Ontario (suspected)
Date of Murder: May 6, 2013
Murderer: Dellen Millard and Mark Smich
Cause of Death: Gunshot wound (suspected)
Map of the Case

Evidence photo of the interior of Bosma’s truck.

Tim Bosma’s burned remains were found on a farm owned by Dellen Millard’s family.